Saturday, July 12, 2008

[ Over the Hedge ]

Spring has arrived and an array of creatures sleeping in a large tree trunk has awakened from their winter hibernation.

This group of unusual creatures, porcupines, possums, a squirrel, a skunk, has formed a family with Verne, a tortoise, as the head.

They discover that a tall hedge has cut their forest in half and their nut and berry trees are gone.

Where are they going to get their food for next winter?

Then RJ, an opportunistic raccoon , enters the picture. RJ explains to the group that there is a new world called suburbia on the other side of the hedge where humans live.

RJ says, "that humans live to eat, rather than eat to live". Humans throw away more food then they would ever need and put the food in garbage cans.

RJ convinces them to go over the hedge to gather food for the winter....

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